All Voices, Our Future

Raise all voices for our future! Thank you for contributing to All Voices For Our Future: Phase I and sharing your hopes and dreams for Hartford Public Schools. We invite you to participate in the next phase.  In this phase, we ask for feedback on the ideas shared in Phase I that are shaping the draft plan.  Take the quick survey at

How to Participate

Imagining the future of HPS will require hearing as many ideas as possible. Sharing your insights, hopes, and experiences with HPS is easy: sign up to attend a community event or take a survey to share your ideas.

Schedule of Community Events

Check back here periodically to see what events have been added. 


On November 19, we hosted our 2024 HPS State of the District event at Capital Community College. This year’s event offered a unique platform for families and community partners to engage with our All Voices, Our Future strategic planning process, hear initial findings, and contribute their perspectives on the future of Hartford Public Schools. You can watch the entire event here in English and in Spanish, and explore the presentations in English and Spanish


What’s Next?

  • Actions and Implementation Ideas: We are now in Phase II, where we ask for your feedback on concrete actions to address the key themes identified in Phase I. These ideas will help us build a comprehensive strategic plan.

  • Strategic Plan Development: In Winter 2025, we will synthesize all contributions from Phases I and II into a final three-year strategic plan.

How Can You Stay Involved?

  • Complete the Survey: We invite you to participate in the next phase.  In this phase, we ask for feedback on the ideas shared in Phase I that are shaping the draft plan.  Take the quick survey at

  • Email Us: Share your ideas and questions at

  • Leave a Voicemail: Call +1 (860) 294-4955 to leave a message about what you’d like to see in the strategic plan and vision.

  • Join a Call: Sign up for a quick 20-minute call to share your perspectives.

  • Attend or Host Events: Stay tuned for upcoming events or invite us to yours!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about the process and how you can participate, by reviewing the information and Frequently Asked Questions below.

What is All Voices, Our Future?
All Voices, Our Future is a community-led strategic planning process that will lead to a ten-year vision and 3-year plan. The goal is to establish an ambitious, attainable plan that will set up every student for success in school and beyond. HPS needs your input. Throughout this fall and winter, HPS will be holding community events and surveying community members to gather input and insight that will contribute to the plan. HPS is dedicated to gathering input from as many community members as possible. 

When will All Voices, Our Future take place?
All Voices, Our Future will take place throughout Fall 2024 and Winter 2024-2025. For more details on when community listening sessions will take place, see the schedule above, or follow Hartford Public Schools on Facebook, Instagram, and X.

Who can contribute to All Voices, Our Future?
Everybody! ALL Hartford community members are invited to participate in All Voices, Our Future. HPS is dedicated to All Voices, Our Future being a community-led, inclusive process that represents the many viewpoints, insights, and perspectives of our diverse community. HPS believes Hartford’s collective wisdom is essential to building a long term vision for HPS that will help all Hartford students thrive.  

How can I contribute to All Voices, Our Future?
There are many ways to contribute to All Voices, Our Future: you can provide your insights and feedback by filling out a survey, participating in an upcoming community listening session, or emailing us at You can also help by telling a neighbor, colleague, friend, educator, or student to participate. HPS is committed to gathering as many voices as possible in shaping a plan that represents our diverse community.

Please check back at this page throughout the fall and winter for more information and updates.