The Instructional Vision
What Is The Instructional Vision?
Hartford Public Schools equips every child with the tools and experiences they need to transform their communities and beyond. Our Instructional Vision articulates the key characteristics of high quality teaching and learning. It serves as a bridge between the District Model for Excellence and the Portrait of a Graduate, using language familiar from the Common Core of Teaching and content-specific guidance documents to create a cohesive and inclusive framework for highly effective practice.

How Does The Instructional Vision Guide Teacher Practice?
Through specific recommendations for instructional planning and teacher actions in the domains of content, teaching, and learning environment, the HPS Instructional Vision offers a playbook for educators to implement the six core elements of high quality instructional practices. These six core elements––data-informed, high expectations, collaborative, student-centered, culturally relevant, differentiated––are aligned to the Connecticut Common Core of Teaching Rubric for Effective Teaching and, when implemented with fidelity, can build the competencies of the Hartford Public Schools Portrait of a Graduate. Click on the links below to learn more about each core element.