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Elementary Mathematics Curriculum Overview For Families (K-5)


Eureka Math² is your student’s revolutionary new math program. Its learning design allows your student to build a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics that will better prepare them for college, career, and beyond. Learn more about Eureka Math² here.

Please Note- The Eureka Math² information below is adopted from

Your Student's Math Materials

The Learn and Apply workbooks are the materials your student will be using in the classroom and at home. You may see these resources come home as single pages, or they may be found in your student's online platform.

Read more below about what is included in these materials.

Learn book

The Learn book includes student materials for in-class work. Within Learn students will find:

  • Lesson Pages that students use during the guided or directed portion of the lesson

  • Problem Sets for independent practice during the lesson, with problems organized from simple to complex

Apply Book

The Apply book helps students deepen their understanding of the concepts they learned in class through practice at home. Apply has three unique components:

  • Family Math is a letter describing the major concepts in a topic,

  • Practice is a collection of additional problems for students to work on at home which interweave and distribute practice, and

  • Practice Partners takes students through the thinking of a hypothetical partner solving problems similar to those found in Additional Practice.

  • Apply books are for Grade Levels 1–5. Family Math has been included in the Learn book for Grade Level K. 

Family Math

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Family Math 1

Our Family Math letters provide a topic overview that includes a content narrative, images of models and strategies, and key terminology. It also includes ideas for topic-related math activities that may be done at home or in school. In levels 1–5, they are found in the Apply book. In level K, the Family Math component is included in the Learn book.


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Practice 1

Practice problems for each lesson include mixed practice of related skills. This helps students solidify their conceptual understanding and procedural skills, transfer knowledge to new applications, and build fluency. Each Practice is structured as two pages. The front page includes problems that represent learning from class that day. The second page includes Remember problems. These problems help students recall previously learned concepts and skills. While Practice problems related to the day’s lesson help solidify new learning, Remember problems keep students sharp with familiar concepts.

Practice Partners

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Practice Partner 1

Each Practice has a parallel supporting Practice Partner that shows problems like those worked on in class and an example of the thinking that helps students solve those problems. Practice Partners serve as a useful tool for students to solve the Practice and Remember problems, as well as a guide for families who may be supporting their student with the Practice and Remember problems at home.

Help Your Student Visualize Mathematics


Eureka Math² manipulatives are classroom materials and tools Eureka Math² writers created to develop student understanding and maximize math learning.

  • Digital Manipulatives: Available in the Student Center on the Great Minds Digital Platform, these tools allow students to create, manipulate, and erase mathematical work.

Giving Your Student a Choice of Tools to Solve Math Problems

We receive many questions from parents asking why their child needs to learn more conceptual math and multiple strategies for solving problems. Some parents suggest that simply learning the traditional method for solving a math problem (e.g., 2 + 2 = 4 or 6 × 8 = 48) is enough. We agree that students need to learn traditional methods for computation. Often, they’re the best tool for the job.

However, sometimes students need more options—they need more tools in their toolbox. If students learn multiple math strategies, not only can they solve more kinds of problems more efficiently, but they also gain a deeper understanding of mathematics and how to use it in daily life.

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Card Games

Building Fluency

Math is everywhere. It’s in everything we do, whether we’re estimating the money we’ll make this summer or the number of stars in the sky. That’s why Eureka Math² teaches students to experience math, to understand it conceptually and in application.   

Our Eureka Math² card games are intended to help build fluency in math in a fun and engaging way. The games also encourage conversations about numbers and mathematics, with peers or at home.  


Eureka Math²® Undergoes EdReports Review

Eureka Math² was recently reviewed by EdReports for its alignment with the college and career readiness standards. Scan the QR code or access the final report.

Middle & High School Mathematics Curriculum Overview for Families (6-12)

Middle School

Into Math

High School

Into AGA

Flow of the block

Module School Home Letters

Module School Home Letters can be used to communicate with students' family members about the module's content. It includes an overview of the module, key vocabulary, family resources, and an at-home activity.

Math On the Spot Videos: Lesson Support

Point-of-use video tutorials provide additional support for the topic of the lesson.

Lesson Samples

Preview an example of a HMH Into Math & Into AGA lesson.

Ed Reports

“All-Green” Rating from EdReports

HMH Into Math & Into AGA have been rated by EdReports as Meets Expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. The educator-led review identifies high-quality instructional materials that have an impact on learning. Read the full review for Into Math & Into AGA at

Additional Family Resources



UPchieve: Free Online Tutoring & College Counseling

Get personalized 1-on-1 support from live coaches, 24/7.

Step 1: Join UPchieve by creating an account and signing-in.

Step 2: Choose the subject you need help in and connect with a free online tutor within 5-10 minutes.

Step 3: Use the chat and whiteboard to work with your academic coach. You can ask them any academic question—this is a judgment-free zone!

Parent Roadmaps

Parent Roadmap: Supporting your Child in Mathematics

The Council of the Great City Schools has developed content and grade-specific parent roadmaps that provide detailed information for parents about the expectations in the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. These roadmaps include examples of grade-level focus in the content area using parent-friendly language, sample progressions of learning across three grade levels in the Common Core, and tips to parents on communicating with teachers about their child’s work and how to support student learning at home.

Family Guides

Family Guides: Supporting Learning

Seek Common Ground and Student Achievement Partners created Family Guides to help anyone supporting a child's learning in the 2021-22 school year learn more about what children should know and be able to do, grade by grade, in math and literacy.  These guides provide information on the most important things students should be learning, and how to reinforce learning with everyday activities, tips for talking to teachers, and online resources.  For a quick introduction to the Family Guides in English, click here, and for Spanish click here.

Summer • K-12 Mathematics Site

The Summer K-12 Mathematics Hartford Public Schools Website provides multiple, diverse opportunities for students to practice mathematics and Get Ready for 2023-2024 Grade-Level Content. 
