Student Engagement Specialists

To help meet the district goal of decreasing chronic absenteeism by 7% by 2022, the Student Engagement Specialist (SES) team works with district and school attendance teams to ensure that attendance policies and procedures are followed. On a more personal level, they also collaborate with office staff to transition late students – who are also more likely to be absent — and families upon arrival. The SES approach also involves identifying root causes for chronic absenteeism to address underlying issues with specific interventions. A student might not come to school because of suspensions and behavioral issues rooted in their overall social-emotional well-being. In that case, the student might be paired with an adult mentor –- a volunteer or community partner — who can meet with the student daily and talk about setting both behavioral and academic goals

Promoting Positive Culture

Promoting Positive Culture

Beyond what they do in schools during the day to address absences, the SES staff also organize positive student engagement activities. Recent examples include pancake breakfasts or ice cream socials to celebrate students who have perfect attendance. “What we want to do also is encourage more activities where we bring parents in for an attendance celebration — activities to support building community, a culture of attendance within schools,” she said.

To dig deeper into the sources of student disengagement, the SES team plans to conduct focus groups with students, staff, and parents. A particularly innovative idea they are looking ahead to is organizing “Culture Walks” – or tours of schools to develop ideas to make campuses more welcoming.

Find your student’s Student Engagement Specialist below:


Student Engagement Specialist (SES)


Betances Learning Lab

Betances STEM Magnet School

Breakthrough Magnet School – North

Breakthrough Magnet School – South

Bulkeley HS

Licelia Figueroa

Britteny Willis

Burns Latino Studies Academy

Burr Middle School

Capital Preparatory Magnet School

Marietta Williams

Classical Magnet School

Dwight Bellizzi Dual Language Academy

Environmental Studies Magnet School

Expeditionary Learning Academy

Global Communicaitons Academy

Robin Gomes

Great Path Academy

Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy

Hartford PreK Magnet School

Hartford Public High School

Iris Ramos

Yesenia Aponte

Kennelly School

Kinsella Magnet School Lower School and Upper School

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School

McDonough Middle School

MD Fox School

Milner Middle School

Gladys Sanchez Derival

Montessori Magnet @Batchelder

Montessori Magnet at Annie Fisher

Naylor School

New Visions

Genesis Gulley

Parkville Community School

Pathways Academy of Design & Technology

Taylor Payne

Rawson School

Renzulli Gifted & Talented Academy

Sanchez School

SAND School

Kassandra Burgos

Sport & Medical Sciences Academy

Joshua Jones

STEM Manget School at Annie Fisher

University High School of Science & Engineering

Noah Webster Microsociety Magnet School

West Middle School

Wish Museum School

Ashley Williams

Weaver High School

Aldo Kela