Non-Discrimination Policy and Title IX

The conditions or privileges of employment in the school district, including the wages, hours, terms and benefits, shall be applied without regard to race, color, religious creed, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, disability, marital status, present or past history of mental disorder, intellectual disability, learning disability or physical disability, or abilities unrelated to the performance of the duties of the position. The board of education seeks to extend the advantages of public education with full equality of educational opportunity to all students and personnel. The board, any employee or any other person may not aid or compel the performance of an unfair labor practice as defined by law.

The board will not make employment decisions related to hiring, assignment, compensation, promotion, demotion, disciplinary action and terminations on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, ancestry, disability or genetic information, except in the case of a bona fide occupational qualification.

For the purposes of this policy, “genetic information” means the information about genes, gene products, or inherited characteristics that may derive from an individual or family member. (See HPS Policy 4118.1/4218.1.)

Title IX

Title IX remains a critical federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination. It protects male and female students and employees in any educational entity that receives federal funds. The preamble to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states that:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Any student claiming to have been discriminated against on the basis of sex by the policies or practices of the Hartford Board of Education, or any of its employees or agents, should follow the Hartford Board of Education Policy 5163.2 when filing a complaint. Any academic or non-academic employee claiming to have been discriminated against on the basis of sex by the policies or practices of the Hartford Board of Education, or any of its employees or agents, should follow the Hartford Board of Education Policy 4118.32. when filing a complaint. In order to begin an official complaint, please complete the Report form, and send to the building Title IX Coordinator (see link to school-based list below).

Click here for the Hartford Public Schools Complaint Form. [en español]

Title IX requires that each public school district, as well as state-approved non-public special education programs, have at least one person designated as the Title IX Coordinator, to coordinate compliance with the law.

District Title IX Coordinators:

Joanne Tremblay-Jackson
Director of Student Support Services – Special Education Department
(860) 695-8725
Email Joanne Tremblay-Jackson

For building Title IX Coordinators, click here.

Title IX Training Resources

Click here to see training resources about Title IX.

ACES Title IX Training – Oct 2020 (1)

2020 11-04 HBOE Title IX Coordinator and Investigator Training Slides

Click here to go to the Connecticut State Department of Education page on Title IX Gender Equity and Sexual Harassment

Office of Civil Rights:
Office of Civil Rights
United States Department of Education
5 Post Office Square
8th Floor
Boston, MA 02109-3921
(617) 289-0111
Email Office of Civil Rights

Title IX Policies:

Hartford Board of Education Policies:

Personnel (Series 4000)

Nondiscrimination - 4118.1

4118.11 - Nondiscrimination_Personnel _Revised_11192024

4118.112_Title IX Sex Discrimination Policy_11192024 (Effective August 1, 2024 - January 9, 2025)

4118.3 - Harassment

4118.31 - Sexual Harassment

4118.32 - Title IX (Effective prior to August 1, 2024 and after January 9, 2025)

Students (Series 5000):

5134 - Married-Pregnant Students_Revised_11192024

5145.4 - Nondiscrimination Students_Revised_11192024

5145.5_Title IX Sex Discrimination Policy_11192024 (Effective August 1, 2024 - January 9, 2025)

5161 - First Amendment Rights

5162 - Nondiscrimination -

5163 - Harassment

5163.1 - Sexual Harassment

5163.2 - Title IX (Effective prior to August 1, 2024 and after January 9, 2025)