2024-25 Student HPS Climate & Culture Survey
Welcome to the 2024-25 Hartford Public Schools Climate & Culture Survey. Your feedback is important. All responses are anonymous.
What school do you attend?
What is your current grade?
Which of the following best describes your gender identity?
A gender not listed here
Prefer not to answer
Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.)
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Asian / Pacific Islander
Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino
White / Caucasian
Two or More Races/Ethnicities
On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend your school to a friend who attends another school (1 means not recommended at all and 10 is highly recommended)?
For each statement below, please select how much you agree or disagree:
I have the technology I need to do my schoolwork.
My teachers care about my learning.
Staff at my school help everybody follow safety rules.
My teachers make me feel good about my learning.
I learn about diverse people and cultures in my classes.
At school, I can get the help I need to complete my schoolwork.
I am interested in what I am learning in school.
For each statement below, please select how much you agree or disagree:
My school feels welcoming for all students.
Staff at my school helps me feel good about who I am.
Staff at my school have shared positive feedback, like my strengths, with me.
There is at least one caring adult I can talk with at my school.
Adults in my school ask me how I’m doing.
There is an adult at my school who will miss me when I’m absent.
For each statement below, please select how much you agree or disagree:
I feel safe from harm on my way to and from school.
I participate in one or more sports teams at my school.
I participate in one or more clubs or activities at my school.
I have friends at my school.
I like coming to school.
My school is accepting and supportive of students' identities as it relates to
Sexuality (LGBTQI+)
Income (Socio-economic status)
Religious Beliefs
My school is accepting and supportive of students who have differences
For each statement below, please select how much you agree or disagree:
My family enjoys school events.
My school has talked with my family about things we are doing in school this year.
There are activities for students in my school after our day finishes.
My family feels good about visiting my school.
My teacher has talked with my family this year.
I learn about career opportunities at school.
I eat healthy foods that include fruits and vegetables daily.
For each statement below, please select how much you agree or disagree:
My teachers help me learn new skills and information
I am taught in a way that helps me learn.
My teachers make students feel safe in class.
My teachers plan activities that I learn from.
My teacher’s lessons help me feel prepared for tests.
My school building is clean.
I feel my school has the staff and programs to help me be successful.
Final question: Please share anything else you'd like Hartford Public Schools to know about your experience.