LOGO for strong minds live in Hartford

The City of Hartford has partnered with Headspace to provide all Hartford residents, students, city employees and HPS employees with free access to mindfulness and personalized meditation resources available through the Headspace app.  The Headspace app has 1,000+ hours of self-care exercises to help you live your whole day mindfully, and is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and German. Learn more.

You can access your free Headspace membership by clicking here or scanning the QR code.

This is part of a new citywide self-care initiative that also utilizes the Cooper Beech Institute and the Greater Hartford Arts Council to make self-care and wellness resources available to all Hartford residents. Administered by the City’s Office of Safety & Wellness, this initiative is a first of its kind public-private partnership focused on community-wide mental wellness.  Click here to learn more about the initiative.