Read to a Child donates books to Annie Fisher STEM students and sets up weekly volunteer readers

Superintendent Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez Reads to a Second Grader at Annie Fisher STEM Magnet School

Read to a Child, a national non-profit focused on literacy and mentoring, has launched its Read-Aloud program at Annie Fisher STEM Magnet School. The program pairs adults from the Hartford community with elementary school students for weekly, one-on-one, read aloud experiences. The mentorship usually lasts for the entire school year, and often extends for multiple years through the end of fourth grade.

"We are beyond grateful for our partnership with the Read to a Child Program at Annie Fisher STEM," said Annie Fisher STEM principal Erin Wilson-Ruff. "This program not only fosters a love for literacy, it also supports the social emotional growth of our students by having a caring adult be a mentor for years to come." 

Annie Fisher STEM is the fifth school in the district to offer this program. It was previously launched at Betances Early Learning Lab, MD Fox, S.A.N.D., and Parkville Community School. 

Mentors come from a variety of backgrounds and local companies, including Travelers, the Yard Goats, and the City. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, more information can be found on the Read to a Child website.