HPS Hartford Cup Soccer Attendance Challenge

After an intense competition, the winners of our District HPS Soccer Cup are … 

  1. Renzulli with 47 goals! (Tied for 1st Place)

  2. Kennelly with 47 goals! (Tied for 1st Place)

  3. MM at Fisher with 44 goals!

The HPS ACE Team will be in touch after the break to arrange prizes of the Yard Goats Mascot visiting winning schools to read with students!

We ended Week 2 of December on goal with a 90% Average Daily Attendance (ADA) rate and a 29% Chronic Absenteeism (CA) Rate!  We are in a much better place than we were last year at this time when our ADA was 88% and our CA was 37%.  Thank you for all your hard work and preparation to plan activities and events to keep your students engaged and coming to school during the Holiday Season!

Our next challenge will begin when we return after break with our New Year, New You with the Hartford Hero Challenge!


As of Monday, 12/11, with one more week left to go in the HPS soccer cup, Renzulli and Kennelly were tied for 1st place with 42 goals! MM @ Fisher was close behind with 39 goals and MM @ Batchelder with 37. Still in the running is BSTEM with 34 goals, Webster & Naylor with 33 goals and West Middle, BKS and BLL tied with 32 goals.


At the end of Week 7 in the HPS Cup, Renzulli has taken the lead with 39 goals, followed closely by Kennelly at 38 goals.  MM at Fisher is close behind with 34 goals followed by MM at Batchelder with 33 goals.  Tough competition with Naylor at 30 goals, BKS with 29, and Webster and West Middle tied with 28 goals!


At the end of Week 6 in the HPS Cup, we have a tie for first place with 35 goals each for Kennelly & Renzulli!  MM at Fisher is close behind with 31 goals followed by MM at Batchelder with 30 goals.  Tough competition with BSTEM at 28 goals, BKS at 27 goals and Naylor and Kinsella tied with 26 goals!


At the end of Week 5 in the HPS Cup, Kennelly has taken the lead with 33 goals!  Close behind is Renzulli with 32 goals, followed by MM @ Batchelder and MM @ Fisher each with 28 goals.  Good news, you have more time to earn some goals as we are extending the Soccer Cup into December!


At the end of Week 4 in the HPS Cup, Kennelly and Renzulli are tied for first place with 26 goals each!  MM @ Batchelder and MM @ Fisher are tied for second place with 21 goals each.  We have a four way tie for 3rd place with 19 goals each for BSTEM, BKS, Kinsella and Webster!  There is still over a week left to earn goals!!


At the end of Week 3 in the HPS Cup, Kennelly has taken the lead with 20 goals!  Renzulli is close behind with 19 goals while MM @ Batchelder and MM @ Fisher are tied for 3rd with 16 goals.  Right on their tail is BSTEM, BKS, Kinsella and Webster with 15 goals!  We still have over 2 weeks to go to earn goals - let's keep the momentum going!!


It is still a tight match after week 2 of our district cup!  Renzulli has taken the lead with 15 goals with Kennelly right behind at 14!  MM @ Fisher and Kinsella trailing close with 12 goals, with BSTEM, Naylor, AF STEM and Webster tied at 11 goals.  With just over 3 weeks left this is still anyone's cup to win!


After week 1 it’s a tight race with Kennelly, Kinsella, MM at Fisher and Renzulli all tied for 1st place with 6 goals!  BLL, BSTEM, Milner & West Middle are close behind with 5 goals.  It’s still anyone's CUP!!

If you need help getting your child to school every day, please call our Welcome Center at 860-695-8400.