HPHS students in the cast and crew of Enough!

On November 16, 2023, Hartford Public High School students from teacher Danielle Procaccini's advanced drama class participated in the national program of "Enough! Plays to End Gun Violence." This annual competition for high school playwrights has received over 600 short plays and selects 6 that will be read to audiences by high school dramatists across the country on November 6, the day before Election Day.

Before their performance, the actors collected messages written on paper hearts about gun violence from the audience and pinned them to a board next to the stage.  After an introductory video about the program, Our HPHS students took to the stage and delivered powerful readings of the 6 plays.

From teacher Danielle Procaccini's statement about the reading:  

"We are incredibly aware of the ongoing impact gun violence has in Hartford and specifically on our school community.  It has been a great responsibility to take on these voices and present them in a way that invites the audience to gain inspiration to take further action.

The program consists of six bold short plays by six remarkable young writers who were selected by a committee of America’s most successful professional playwrights. These plays address the many angles and lenses through which we see gun violence at work in America: in classrooms, in neighborhoods, and in families. All participants are advised that the subject matter includes discussions - but not graphic depictions - of many forms of gun violence, including school shootings, officer-involved shootings, suicide, and violence against the LGBTQIA+ community.  We will have social workers present at the performance in addition to planned discussions after the show for students and spectators to debrief."

Founded in 2019 by director Michael Cotey, ENOUGH! Plays to End Gun Violence calls on teens to confront gun violence by creating new works of theatre that will spark critica! conversations and inspire meaningful action in communities across the country. Our mission is to promote playwriting as a tool for self-expression and social change, harnessing this generation's spirit of activism and providing a platform for America's playwrights of tomorrow to discover and develop their voices today.

The ENOUGH! Hartford Cast

Shania Candelaria Soto-
Shania is a 16 year old Junior at HPHS. She enjoys hanging out at home, watching a good movie or show with her cat or mom. She also enjoys writing stories and making lists .This is her second show here at HPHS. You previously have seen her as Ale in last year’s production of
Not Going Anywhere.

Yavileynee Cartagena (aka Yavi)
- Yavi is a junior at Hartford Public High School. She is apart of the Outstanding Women’s Leadership Society (O.W.L.S), and the Superintendent Leadership Advisory Club .She has played a role in the school community. She enjoys going out to make new memories, listening to music, hanging with friends. She has big dreams of becoming a successful pediatrician who drives black Cayenne Porsche living in a big house. She would like to thank Ms.P for this amazing class, and the cast members for making the space comfortable and fun.

Bryce Gay- 
Bryce is a proud member of the class of 2024 at HPHS. He has played varsity football for his entire high school career. He is an honor roll student and will be attending a 4 year university in the Fall where he will study communications. He thanks Ms. Wellington for allowing him the time to be part of this production.

D’Asia Hill-
D’Asia is a senior at HPHS. She has been part of a theatre class for her entire high school career.

Isaac Medina Burgos-
Isaac is a junior at HPHS. This is his first role in a production, but has been a par tof theatre classes since his Freshman year. He is currently also working as an intern at Real Art Ways here in Hartford. His friends describe him as “Loud, Energetic & Fun”. I would like to thank Mrs. Procaccini for her patience and my friends for helping me with my lines.

Angelica Soto-
Angelica is a junior at Hartford public high school who is a member of the OWLS Society. Angelica is also participating in the Hartford public high school blood drive and annual HHC Medical Mission. She is an honor roll student who wants to go into the medical field.

Tatiana Suarez-
Tatiana is a senior at HPHS, next year she will be in MA attending a cosmetology school focusing on skin care and hair also attending a 2 year college program. This would be her first play ever, although she’s excited to learn more behind the scenes.

Michelle Wilson-
Michelle Wilson is a senior at Hartford Public High School with aspirations of becoming a dentist, which she plans to achieve by attending a four year college. In addition to her academic pursuits, Michelle is very passionate about theater. Last year, she enrolled in a technical theater class where she worked backstage to set up props on stage, prepare costumes, and manage stage lighting for school plays. This year, she is excited to extend her passion for theater by acting onstage.

Africa Wright-
Africa is a 16 year old Junior at Hartford Public High School. She is apart of the Outstanding Women of Leadership Society, Superintendent Leadership Advisory Club and Student Council, where she always tries lend a helping hand in her school community. She has an intense love for acting is very excited seeing as this is her first time performing publicly. She would like to say a big thank you to the cast for making practices a fun time and also a thank you to Ms. P for this amazing opportunity.

Director: Danielle Procaccini, Theatre Teacher
Lighting: Donald Curtis, Library Media Specialist & Lyfe Jennings, Grade 11

Costumes and Set have been designed and constructed by the Period 7 Technical Theatre class.

Special thanks to the teachers and administrators who supported this program and provided the structures to allow us to make these voices heard.

Learn more about this program, this year's playwrights, and about actions you can take here.

See the slide show presentation including important facts and questions here.

For more information about ENOUGH! and the Nationwide Reading, visit https://www.enoughplays.com/reading

The student cast and crew held a Q&A session post -play with their audience, led by teacher Ms. Procaccini, right

Mark your calendars for November 6, 2024!