Students Recognized for Lt. Governor's Computing Challenge

Five Hartford Public Schools students were recognized for their great work in the Lieutenant Governor's Computing Challenge.

The Lt. Governor's Computing Challenge tasks students with developing an idea for a computer program that fits the theme "Coding for Good." This means the students' ideas must inspire health, wellness, and/or positive change in their community, the state, the nation or the world.

Students Recognized for Lt. Governor's Computing Challenge

Congratulations to the following students whose projects were recognized on Tuesday, June 5, 2024 at an event with the Lieutenant Governor, the Commissioner for the State Department of Education, and other dignitaries:

Aiyana Seth - STEM Magnet at Annie Fisher
Project Title: Mental Health Matters

Peace Ogungbile - STEM Magnet at Annie Fisher
Project Title: Spelling App

Brevan Daniels - Great Path Academy
Project Title: Manchester Community App

Curtis Mensa - Betances STEM Magnet
Project Title: Endangered Language Translator

Brianna Cruz Pacheco - Betances STEM Magnet
Project Title: Health You

Students Recognized for Lt. Governor's Computing ChallengeStudents Recognized for Lt. Governor's Computing Challenge

To learn more about the Lt. Governor's Computing Challenge, click here.