Interested in visiting Capital Preparatory Magnet School?
The best way to get to know Capital Prep is to visit campus while school is in session. We would love to have you and your child during the school day to see us in action! We offer guided tours, shadow days & open house dates in which families can visit classes in progress and get a feel for the school climate and the various teaching strategies our teachers utilize to enhance learning.
Shadow days are Mondays or Thursdays and run for the following durations:
Pre-K – Grade 2: 30 to 45 minute shadow session, guardian must stay with student.
Grade 3-5: Half-day shadow session, 7:30-10:30 a.m.
Grade 6-12: Full day shadow session, 7:30 a.m-2:40 p.m.

To schedule a tour or shadow day, please reach out to Ms. Holloway:
(860) 695-9800