First Day of School

We hope everyone is having a wonderful and relaxing summer vacation, and before we know it, the first day of school will be here.  Please mark your calendars for our first day back on Tuesday, August 29th, 2023.  We are looking forward to welcoming all of our students back to school for an exciting new school year.  This week we have over 65 new students with us working through our summer bridge orientation and program.  Our teachers and GPA ambassadors led our students through a week of ice breaker activities and orientation and students received GPA and Manchester campus tours and spent time getting to know the school and staff.   Over the coming weeks, we will be sending home important school communication regarding student schedules, transportation, back to school events, and other announcements.  

We have a new website that we launched this summer.  Please bookmark for updates and information:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at the main office at 860-512-3700.  Continue to enjoy summer!

Dr. Jessica Fitzgerald
Great Path Academy at MCC